Sunday, April 25, 2010

Presque Isle Lighthouse

April 10, 2010

This is the lighthouse on Presque Isle State Park near Erie, Pa. The park is more commonly known as the peninsula.

It was the end of a beautiful spring day. Warm enough inland, but cool enough near the water that you needed a jacket.

The sun was going down and the lighthouse light was just becoming visible.

Unfortunately, I may have waited just a bit too long on this shot. The warmth of the sun is nearly gone.

Eric the Red

April 21, 2010

This is our dog, Eric the Red. He has been a joy to us.

His intelligence level was not of the highest level. However, we loved seeing him run from room to room, expecially to the kitchen. We honestly believe that he would eat himself to death if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, he will not have that opportunity.

Over the last little while, Eric's health has been gradually getting worse. In fact, I didn't even notice any thing happening until he was very stiff and could barely move.

So today, we had the unenviable task of putting Eric to sleep. Fortunately, it went very quickly and smoothly.

We buried Eric under a big tree on a small ridge with views to the horizon. It is a truly beautiful place. I am also glad that we took the time and effort to bury him rather than let the vet dispose of the body. It brought a small sense of closure and I am coforted by the fact that his body was treated with respect.

Good bye, Eric.

Friday, April 16, 2010


April 3, 2010 - Woody

This is my niece's daughter.
I guess that would make her my grand-niece.
I guess that would make me an old fart.
I guess that is why she is wrinkling her nose!

April 3, 2010 - Woody

This weekend, Annette's sister Mary, her daughter Karyn and her daughter Bethany came for a visit. It has been so long since we have had little munchkins in our house. You don't realize how un-kid-friendly your home is until you bring an active 13 month old in for a visit.

This morning as I was finishing my breakfast, Bethany was eating, or trying to eat, some cereal.

I was just sitting there thinking; Look at the light on her face. Look at how it sculpts her cheeks. Look how the background light creates a hair/rim light and separates her from the background. I should get my camera. Shoulda, coulda woulda... I'm getting my camera!!!

The seat that she was in was directly across from a large window and to camera-right, in the far background, was a sliding glass door. This bathed Bethany in some interesting light. Light that I think many photographers go out of their way to create.