April 21, 2010
This is our dog, Eric the Red. He has been a joy to us.
His intelligence level was not of the highest level. However, we loved seeing him run from room to room, expecially to the kitchen. We honestly believe that he would eat himself to death if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, he will not have that opportunity.
Over the last little while, Eric's health has been gradually getting worse. In fact, I didn't even notice any thing happening until he was very stiff and could barely move.
So today, we had the unenviable task of putting Eric to sleep. Fortunately, it went very quickly and smoothly.
We buried Eric under a big tree on a small ridge with views to the horizon. It is a truly beautiful place. I am also glad that we took the time and effort to bury him rather than let the vet dispose of the body. It brought a small sense of closure and I am coforted by the fact that his body was treated with respect.
Good bye, Eric.