Friday, April 16, 2010

April 3, 2010 - Woody

This weekend, Annette's sister Mary, her daughter Karyn and her daughter Bethany came for a visit. It has been so long since we have had little munchkins in our house. You don't realize how un-kid-friendly your home is until you bring an active 13 month old in for a visit.

This morning as I was finishing my breakfast, Bethany was eating, or trying to eat, some cereal.

I was just sitting there thinking; Look at the light on her face. Look at how it sculpts her cheeks. Look how the background light creates a hair/rim light and separates her from the background. I should get my camera. Shoulda, coulda woulda... I'm getting my camera!!!

The seat that she was in was directly across from a large window and to camera-right, in the far background, was a sliding glass door. This bathed Bethany in some interesting light. Light that I think many photographers go out of their way to create.

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