Monday, July 19, 2010

The Wedding Weekend

Annette and I had the distinct honor of shooting a wedding this past weekend.

It seems that so many couples are not going the traditional route anymore.  They move in together and even have babies and then tie the knot.

Not this couple.  They decided to wait until after marriage to live together.  Bravo for them.

Some times you see a dating couple and there are harsh words and selfish actions.

Not this couple.  We have been very impressed by the giving nature of both the bride and the groom.  For example, the groom spend several weekends designing and building a glider as a lasting gift for his bride.  (It was beautiful!)

So, I have to say, that it was an absolute joy and honor to be the photographers at their wedding!

Some times you also get lucky with photography and recieve gifts from the photo dieties.  Things such as window light.

Sometimes you also get lucky with beautiful settings just handed to you.  The arch below was at the back side of the reception hall.  Even though we had been there a couple of times before the wedding day, we had not seen the arch.  Then on the day of the wedding, we walked all the  way around the building and discovered the arch!

The day was such an adrenaline rush, being in beautiful places on a happy occasion.  The rush continued with the review of the pictures.

All in all, a great weekend!

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