Friday, April 29, 2011

Sun rise. Sun set.

As you know by now, Annette and I attended a photo workshop last week in the Outer Banks.  It was a grueling workshop.  We went out to shoot sunsets and then had to be in the car at 5:30 a.m. the next morning to go to our photo shoot locations for sunrises!

But we did get a lot of great sunrise and sunset shots.  See what you think!

This is a shot of the Nag's Head Fishing Pier.  If you enlarge the picture you can see it says so on the sign on the side of the building!
 This was kind of funny.  There were six of us in a row making photographs of this sunrise.  Yet we all got different pictures.  Annette has an image that is almost the same.  She included almost exactly the same width.  But she did not like the straight cloud in the sky and tried to keep it out of the frame.  This made the silhouette at the bottom much bigger.

 There was an unusual astrological event during the workshop.  The moon rise was at sunset and the moon set was at sunrise!  So this picture is actually a moon rise near the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.

This is a shot of the Nag's Head Fishing Pier before sunrise.  It is amazing how quickly the light changes.  About two minutes after I took this shot, the management of the pier deemed it light enough to turn out the lights.  That completely changed the shot!
Actually this shot is a mid-day image that was underexposed to look like a moonlit water shot.  What do you think?

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