Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mom's Birthday Gathering

I looked forward to it for weeks!  It went by so quickly and now it is gone.

On March 11, 2012, my family got together to celebrate my mother's birthday.  It was so great to see my brothers and sisters and their family.

I remembered looking back through photos of family gatherings from the past and how much those times meant to me, so I made the effort to get everyone outside for a group photo.

Although it is a snapshot, it still means a lot to me, and I hope it means a lot to them.

Members of the Clayton E. Garthwaite Clan
By the way, my mother's birthday present from 46 years ago was present this day.    (That's my brother, the taller guy in the blue shirt towards the left.)   Happy Birthday, Bundy!!! 

Although I counted 24 people in the picture above, there were at least a dozen more missing, including my two boys!

Then Annette took the camera and had some fun with the little kids.  Haven was very expressive, as you can see in the two pictures below.

Say what?!?!?
But the time flew.  We only had four hours together, but I will look at the pictures and remember it a long time.

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