Sunday, December 16, 2012

Death Valley - Eureka Mine

(Since the latest blog, when posted, goes at the top, you may want to start at the last blog on Death Valley  (Badwater), which was actually the first posted (see the dates) and work your way back up to the present (this post).)

Annette and I had seen an abandoned car near the Eureka Mine in several of the books on Death Valley and we wanted to get our own images of it.  So on Friday Annette and I went for a drive and we found the mine and the car.

The car was an old Buick Roadmaster with a straight eight.  That was a long engine block!

I was kind of disappointed that the car was so vandalized.  I would have been OK with all of the soft stuff (cloth and plastics) missing or damage and with names scratched into the paint, but why did they have to cave in the roof?

I also found that these two car pictures are an interesting study of the difference between shooting into the sun and shooting away from the sun.

I like this next photograph in Black and White both because it works in B&W and because of the impression of zigzag lines running up through the image.

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