Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blurry Pictures

At the Project Image Competition for Harrisburg Camera Club this past week, the judge told us not to be afraid of blur.  Sometimes blur is a good thing, like when using a small depth of field to make the background blurry and focus the viewer's attention on the main subject.

One of the club members has been experimenting with abstract photography, which is also a good place to use blur.  On our trip to the cemetery yesterday, that photographer put a polarizing lens plus a neutral density filter on the lens of his camera so that he could get a long exposure.  He then shook the camera up and down or left and right or in circles for the whole exposure so that he made some wild abstracts.  He has shown his abstracts at the camera club meetings and actually gives talks on how to create them.

So as I watched him doing those crazy things with his camera yesterday, I decided to try it myself.  I didn't take the time to add the neutral density filter so my exposure outside in the sun was limited to 1/13 of a second.  Not that long really.

Anyway, here is the best image of the half dozen I took using this technique.  What do you think?

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