Sunday, October 24, 2010

Galleries Open to the Public

Way back on July 19th, I wrote a blog about a wedding that Annette and I shot the Saturday before.  I put some teaser pictures in the blog.

Annette and I are always careful that it is the bride and groom who are the first (outside of us) to see the pictures.  In this case, we put passwords on the galleries so that only they could see the pictures.

Well, we have gotten to the point where the pictures are online and the couple is ready for the password to come off of their wedding galleries.

So, if you would like to see some of our pictures of the wedding, please go to and go to the wedding gallery.  Click on the wedding that is in a Sub-Category and enjoy.

I especially like the picture of the bride dancing with the flower girl.

I set up two flashes with remote triggers (PW's), one to the left and one to the right. 

I also like the picture of the Flower Girl signing the picture frame.  I liked the low angle of the warm light streaming through the window and onto the girl.  The look of extreme concentration is priceless!

Anyway, take a look, enjoy and leave a comment.


1 comment:

  1. These pictures are beautiful. They look as though they coud have came out of a movie.
