Sunday, December 19, 2010

78th Annual Cumberland Valley Photographic Salon

Each year, in the winter of the year, the Washington County Museum of Fine Art holds a photographic Salon.  As near as I can tell, this is just a juried photographic exhibit.  Whoever feels they have worthy pictures can enter the salon.  There is a juror who reviews the pictures and chooses the ones he feels will make a good exhibit.

This year there were no categories; there were no criteria.  So it was up to the Juror's discretion.

In order to be prepared to display the images in January and February, the images must be submitted by Thanksgiving  or thereabouts.

Annette and I have entered in the past with some measure of luck.  We have each had some chosen to be hung in the exhibit.  Last year, we were not so fortunate.  Neither of us got a picture into the exhibit.

This year there was stiff competition.  There were 401 entries and only 65 were chosen. That means that 5 out of every 6 submissions were returned to the artist without being hung.

I was lucky.  My picture, entitled, Yellow House on the Hill was chosen for the exhibit.  I am tickled.

My other entry, Antique Car Remains, was not chosen for the exhibit.  Oh, well, I still enjoy this photograph. 
The exhibit will start on January 22 and run until early March.  There will be an opening reception and awards ceremony on January 23, 2011 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

If you get a chance, stop by the Washington County Museum of Fine Art in City Park, Hagerstown, Md. and see the exhibit.  I hear there will be a lot of very good images displayed.

1 comment:

  1. We went to the opening of the exhibit at the Museum. I think it was a better exhibition of photography than last year.

    Anyway, I got to see my Yellow House on a Hill hanging!

    If you get a chance to see the exhibit, it's worth the trip.
