Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving in Daytona Beach

Our son has the perhaps enviable opportunity of living in Florida for a year while attending school.  He is experiencing something different that good old, small-town Pennsylvania.  But that also means that Annette and I had the opportunity to travel to Daytona Beach for Thanksgiving.  We drove down two vehicles and came back in one.  Our son is tickled to have his car.

On Friday morning, before our son eve thought about opening his eyes, Annette and I headed for the beach.  Unfortunately, it was an overcast morning.  But that didn't stop us from taking pictures!

These first three pictures were taken under the Daytona Beach Pier.  The building on the pier, which I believe was once a restaurant, is in very poor repair, which in my opinion makes an interesting photograph!

 Annette is my "fixer".  She can talk to anybody.  She has such a great, happy, personality that people instantly like her.  (I don't know how she got stuck with a stick-in-the-mud like me.)

Anyway, she walked up to the fisherman in the pictures below and struck up a conversation, the outcome of which was that he allowed her (and me) to take pictures of him as he surf fished.  His yellow rain gear made a great contrast to the overcast day.

When took a break from fishing, he brought out the bird feed.  He obviously had a history and a rapport with the birds.  He got them to eat out of his hand and then he got them to sit on his head!!!

 A little later, I noticed a family come out onto the beach.  Two little boys from the family had their sand buckets and went looking for...for...I don't know!  They went looking for whatever little boys go looking for at the beach.  Anyway, I thought they made a great picture as they walked side-by-side along the edge of the water.

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