Sunday, July 3, 2011

June was a busy month

June was a busy month.  Between visits from both Annette's side of the family and mine, there was hardly any time for shooting

However, we did get to Harper's Ferry and shot a few pictures there.  Like this one of St Peter's Roman Catholic Cathedral.
St. Peter's Cathedral in Harper's Ferry
While we were in Harper's Ferry, it rained.  Hard!  I ran for a couple of hundred yards with my camera under my arm, trying to keep it dry.  We ended up in John Browns fort.

John Brown's Fort in Harper's Ferry
This was the view out from the fort during the rain.

Also, during June, we heard about a Lavender Festival.  My mom was visiting and it seemed like a good thing to do.  So off we went.  I think Mom and Annette had a good time.  I was just along for the ride.

Lavender Fields

Mom with the sprigs of Lavender that she "harvested".

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