Saturday, July 16, 2011

Portraits in the Park with the camera club

One of the camera clubs that Annette and I belong to had a "Portraits in the Park" night on Thursday in place of the regular club meeting.  We had a very good turnout.  I counted almost 20 photographers.

One of the club members brought a model that he has been shooting for almost a year.  However, this was her first time in front of a group.  She certainly put forth a great effort.  She worked hard and she tried to look at each of the photographers.

It was interesting how the passers-by gawked at what we were doing.  One couple asked me who the girl was and if she was famous.  They didn't recognize her so they were puzzled.  It finally made sense to them when I told them that this was a photography club and that we were doing a model shoot.

I asked the club member who brought the model if we could give her direction and he told me she takes direction well.  So a couple of times I gave her some direction and she followed.  Annette also tweaked the model's poses to get a image that she had visualized.  However, the rest of the club seemed to be content.

It actually went quite well with 20 shooters.  It seemed like everyone was conscious that they had to share with the other photographers, so there was an ebb and flow.  A few people would go close for a shot and then ease out to the back while others would move forward.

I also saw a lot of longer lenses there, which was a good idea.  I finally switched to my longer lens.  The longer lens helped to reach past the closer shooters, if you didn't want to step forward.

Here are a few pictures from the shoot.

Just so you know, this is not the model.

This is a found subject.

A Direct Gaze

A Pensive Moment

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