Monday, July 4, 2011

Limekiln Ruins at Canoe Creek State Park

I think a lot of photographers like to take pictures of abandoned pieces of yesterday.  That includes me.

While I am at the abandoned sites, whether shooting or not, I try to imagine life the way it was at those sites.

  • Was this a site where genteel people lived or those less fortunate?
  • Did a lot of people visit the site on a daily basis or was it just one family?
  • What type of work was done in this space?
  • How did the people relax in this space?
  • Was there conflict or did the people get along well?
  • Was it a site that made people happy, sad, anxious, relaxed, tired, etc.?

Anyway, on Saturday, Annette and I visited Canoe Creek State Park near Altoona.  It was only a five minute stroll through the woods to the Limekiln ruins.

Again they made me think about the past:
  • Why did they build on this remote site?
  • Why was the cement so rough?  Was it a scarcity of materials? Or was it a cost cutting measure  (Hurry up and get those forms up!  I'm not making any money until we're in production!  Every day "prettying" up those forms is a day I'm not making money!  Let's go!  Let's go!!!)? 
  • Why was there a room on either side of the central space for each of the kilns?
  • How many times a day did the workers walk the "hallway" between the back of the kilns and the side of the hill?
  • How hot was it in the buildings?

Anyway, enough of that.  Let's look at some pictures.

Aren't the perspective lines leading out to the vanishing point interesting in their obviousness?

Don't the kilns look like some sort of ancient temple?

I wished the sky had been blue, but this is the way it was.

Limekiln Ruins at Canoe Creek State Park 
Limekiln Ruins
In the Unusual Flower Box image below, I like the juxtaposition of the fragile flowers with the mass of the structure.  I like the organic plant life against the man-made brickwork. 

Unusual Flower Box

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