Sunday, May 6, 2012

Shem Creek

Shem Creek is a great little area near Charleston.  Annette and I went there for dinner and spent the rest of the evening taking images.

Shem Creek used to be a very active port for fishermen in the area.  However, as of late, the fishing industry is having its challenges and the fleet is shrinking.

There was a great pier/walkway that was built quite a ways out along Shem Creek.
The end of the pier.
Pier Light from below.
 I can't take credit for the concept for the Pier Light photo above.  I saw Annette taking the picture and had to have a picture of my own.

Two Fishing Boats in Daylight

Fishing Boats along Shem Creek

Fishing Boats on Shem Creek at Dusk

Fishing Boats on Shem Creek at Night
Fishing Boat on Shem Creek at Night

Downtown Details

On one of the early days of our trip to Charleston, Annette and I walked through the old-time neighborhood and took pictures of some of the great details of the beautiful houses.  Check out these pictures and see what I mean:

This park bench detail can be seen all over Charleston.  I thought it looked better in black and white.

Cobblestone street.  Very difficult to walk on.

Gas Lantern.  Actually field by gas.  They were everywhere in downtown Charleston.

Entryway.  Notice the gas lantern.

Entryway.  Notice the gas lantern.

Entry.  Beautiful Ivy.

Wrought iron detail

This address may be hard to find behind the greenery.

I thought it was fascinating how they trained the ivy all over the front of the house.

Door Knob and Ivy

A great look for stairs

This is the first vertical sun dial that I have seen.

The Ravenel / Cooper River Bridge

If you ever go to Charleston, you will not miss the Cooper River Bridge.
It's huge.
It's unique.
And, it's in a very visible location.

Underneath the bridge is a very nice, well-maintained Memorial Park.  It has playground equipment for the kids and a beautiful setting for the adults.

One evening, Annette and I went to the park and hung out until dark.  We saw families, couples and an exercise class that was sitting on their butts, lifting their feet off of the ground and using both hands to swing a weight back and forth.  That should help the abdominal muscles!

Anyway, we waited until the sun set and the lights on the bridge came on.  These are some of my favorite pictures from the trip.

The Ravenel Bridge (a.k.a. the Cooper River Bridge) at Sunset 
The Ravenel Bridge (a.k.a. the Cooper River Bridge) at Sunset 

The Ravenel Bridge (a.k.a. the Cooper River Bridge) at Sunset

The Ravenel Bridge (a.k.a. the Cooper River Bridge) at Sunset
Oh, yeah, by the way, we also walked the bridge during the daylight hours.  I had read somewhere that the bridge deck was 195 feet above the water surface!  I was OK until we got to the first tower.  At that point I could feel the bridge move with every car that went by.  I don't know much about the fatigue life of concrete on steel beams, so I was starting to freak out.  We turned around and went back!

The Ravenel Bridge (a.k.a. the Cooper River Bridge)

The Ravenel Bridge (a.k.a. the Cooper River Bridge)

The Ravenel Bridge (a.k.a. the Cooper River Bridge)

The Ravenel Bridge (a.k.a. the Cooper River Bridge)

The Ravenel Bridge (a.k.a. the Cooper River Bridge)

The Ravenel Bridge (a.k.a. the Cooper River Bridge)

Sunrise, Sunset

Generally, when a normal person goes on vacation, it is a break from work and the work routine of getting up early and making the commute.

Not so for Annette and me!!!

We were up for several sunrises.  In fact, we commuted over an hour to try to get to a photo opportunity before the sun was up.

Here are some pictures:

The Pier on Isle of Palms
 Obviously, for the image above, we were in place before the sun actually rose above the horizon.  And then we continued to shoot after the sun rose for the picture below.

The Pier on Isle of Palms
For the three stark images below of the remains of trees near the ocean's edge, we hurried to get to the spot, but it was an hour and fifteen minute's drive from where we were staying and then it was a 15 minute walk from the car to the beach by the trees.  We didn't quite make it in time.  Annette was very disappointed.  However, we were able to salvage a few shots.
Botany Bay Plantation Boneyard

Botany Bay Plantation Boneyard

Botany Bay Plantation Boneyard
The two images below are shots of the huge houses along the battery.  We were there just after sun up and before there were cars parked on the street.  I have to tell you, it was cold!

Enormous House along the Battery

Enormous House along the Battery

I wish I could do that!

In April, Annette and I went on vacation to the beautiful city of Charleston, South Carolina and the neighboring area.  I will eventually get some pictures up from the trip.

But there were a couple of occasions on the trip that Annette was able to do what I cannot.  She happily and cheerfully approached people and asked to take their picture.  We arrived in the area on Saturday and on Sunday she started.

We were in Waterfront park in Charleston and there were a lot of people out in the Easter finery, including a cute young couple.  Let's call them Jane and the Seersucker Man!  Jane had on a pretty blue sun dress and her escort had on a Seersucker jacket along with shirt and tie.

Annette had her eye on this couple from the moment she saw them.  Finally she approached them and found them to be great kids, who were very willing to participate in an impromptu photo shoot.  Annette took some pictures with her camera and with Jane's camera.  You can see an overall shot below.

Jane and the Seersucker Man
After we left them and as we were walking through the park, we saw some young kids doing cartwheels.  Annette talked to them and got pictures of them and their cartwheels.

When we were at Shem Creek, Annette approached a guy who was fishing and took several pictures of him.  The guy was willing enough that, when we were both in the  parking lot, he came up with his email address to make sure that Annette would send him some pictures.

One morning during the week we got up before sunrise and went to the pier on Isle of Palms.  We were taking pictures when this group of young girls came walking by.  It turns out that they were a softball team from upstate New York.  They were taking pictures of each other and Annette volunteered to take pictures of the group with their cameras.  Then she got some shots in with her own camera.  Here is a picture of the arranging of the group.

Softball Team Photo

But, Hey! I got some pictures of people.  It's just that I did if from afar and did not have to actually ask if I could take their picture.  Here is what I mean...
