Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunrise, Sunset

Generally, when a normal person goes on vacation, it is a break from work and the work routine of getting up early and making the commute.

Not so for Annette and me!!!

We were up for several sunrises.  In fact, we commuted over an hour to try to get to a photo opportunity before the sun was up.

Here are some pictures:

The Pier on Isle of Palms
 Obviously, for the image above, we were in place before the sun actually rose above the horizon.  And then we continued to shoot after the sun rose for the picture below.

The Pier on Isle of Palms
For the three stark images below of the remains of trees near the ocean's edge, we hurried to get to the spot, but it was an hour and fifteen minute's drive from where we were staying and then it was a 15 minute walk from the car to the beach by the trees.  We didn't quite make it in time.  Annette was very disappointed.  However, we were able to salvage a few shots.
Botany Bay Plantation Boneyard

Botany Bay Plantation Boneyard

Botany Bay Plantation Boneyard
The two images below are shots of the huge houses along the battery.  We were there just after sun up and before there were cars parked on the street.  I have to tell you, it was cold!

Enormous House along the Battery

Enormous House along the Battery

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