Sunday, May 6, 2012

Downtown Details

On one of the early days of our trip to Charleston, Annette and I walked through the old-time neighborhood and took pictures of some of the great details of the beautiful houses.  Check out these pictures and see what I mean:

This park bench detail can be seen all over Charleston.  I thought it looked better in black and white.

Cobblestone street.  Very difficult to walk on.

Gas Lantern.  Actually field by gas.  They were everywhere in downtown Charleston.

Entryway.  Notice the gas lantern.

Entryway.  Notice the gas lantern.

Entry.  Beautiful Ivy.

Wrought iron detail

This address may be hard to find behind the greenery.

I thought it was fascinating how they trained the ivy all over the front of the house.

Door Knob and Ivy

A great look for stairs

This is the first vertical sun dial that I have seen.

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