As I mentioned before, we drove the Apache Trail. There is a section of the trail that is 22 miles long that is more like a dirt track. It is graded well enough that you can take your car on the trail, but there are spots where there are drop off without guard rails and there are sharp turns where the trail is only one vehicle wide. You better hope you don't meet anyone coming the other way.
Actually there was one spot where we me an Ambulance!!! Luckily it didn't have its lights and sirens turned on!!. We just pulled over to the edge of the road. Again, luckily we were on the side away from the drop-off. The ambulance and 3-4 cars squeezed past us. It was interesting to say the least!
This first picture was at the Canyon Lake Vista in Tonto National Forest. (Of course, you already knew this if you read the sign!) This was early in the trip so we all jumped out and had to have our pictures taken.

Mom at Canyon Lake Vista
Annette and Mom at the Pavilion at Canyon Lake.
Mom and Woody at Canyon Lake Vista
At the end of the dirt portion of the Apache Trail was Roosevelt Dam, which created the reservoir of water in the next picture. There is also a neat suspension bridge just upstream of the dam. You can see it behind Mom.
One of the things that I remember about this bridge is that they designed a hump in the road surface. The sign said that otherwise, it would be a slight optical illusion and people would think that the road was sagging!
Mom at Roosevelt Dam Rest Area
Another highlight of the trip was the boat ride down the Colorado River. We started at the Glen Canyon Dam and ended at Lee's Ferry. It took several hours. I think that sitting on a bench without back support is hard on peoples' backs. What do you think, Mom?
Woody and Mom in the boat on the Colorado River