Sunday, May 9, 2010


Good Evening! Another successful day vacationing!

We started out this morning by going to Walmart for a memory card reader because we forgot ours. We also got Annette some clip on sunglasses. Boy are they sexy!

From there we went to Albertson's Grocery to get things for lunches.

OK! Ready to go. We drove to Apache Junction and found the Superstition Mountains Museum. The woman behind the counter was from around Warren, PA. pretty close to home, don't you think?

From there we took the Apache Trail. What an experience!

The first few miles were paved and there were switchbacks and narrow spots.

In Totilla Flat, we went into a restaurant with hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollar bills stapled to the wall. Each one was signed by someone who had visited.

Shortly after Tortilla Flat, the road turned to dirt. Twenty-two miles of dirt! Then the real fun began!

The road was rough, a washboard for several miles. There were several, no, many blind curves in the road. In many spots the rod was barely side enough for one car.

At one point there were several cars and an ambulance coming from the other direction. I pulled to the side and the ambulance squeezed by. But there were three other vehicles behind me and the wide sot in the road was not large enough for all of us. Finally once the last car going the other way got beside me, I started forward. It was hairy!!

There were several places to pull over and admire the view. We stopped at three or four. It was very warm but there was always a breeze. It was beautiful.

The mountains were great. Nothing like anything you can see east of the Mississippi.

Another great aspect of the trip was that we started in mountains and as we drove north, the vegetation changed and then the terrain changed until as we approached Holbrook this evening, the area was pretty flat. So flat that we measured a straight stretch, that we could see from end to end and it was 4 miles long!

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