Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dust Storm

May 11, 2010 (Yes, I know I am a day late!)
Those are not clouds in the sky! That is not fog in the air! That is a genuine, honest-to-goodness dust storm! A new experience for Annette, Mom and me!

Look how the vehicle is appearing out of the dust! Look how the dust is being blown across the road! I've seen snow blown across the road like that, but never dust!

When we got off of I-40 in Winslow, AZ, the on ramp was blocked. We could not get back on the highway in the westerly direction! I-40 was closed from Winslow to Flagstaff!

You can see the dust in the sky. Notice that it goes from one edge of the horizon to the other!

We Stopped to get gas in Winslow, (You can see the gas station canopy.) and Annette got out and took the picture here.

The clerk in the store said that I-40 would most likely be closed until 7:00. It was only 2:00. We did not want to sit in Winslow for 5 hours, so we headed south on 87. It was a longer route to Sedona, but it was better than sitting still waiting on the road to open.

We made it to Sedona just after 4:00. Hip Hip Hooray!

We caught the Chapel of the Cross before it closed at 5:00. It was so funny to see Mom so afraid of the edge of the 20 foot cliff. How is she going to handle the Hot Air Balloon tomorrow.

We did not make it to the airport in time for sunset, but as we drove up there, all of the sunset admirers were leaving. It was almost like a traffic jam!

Oh, Well. Let's get to bed early. We have to get up at 4:00 a.m. to meet our ride to the Balloon site!

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