Sunday, May 16, 2010

Arizona Highways

May 15, 2010

A lot of driving today. And these Arizona roads can be bears to deal with. They are long and straight and the view changes very slowly. You can see the mountains coming for miles and miles.

Now, just to contradict what I just said, we were amazed at how quickly the terrain and vegetation changed.

We was the vegetation go from scrubby little bushes to Ponderosa pines in a matter of 10's of miles. Amazing!

But back to the long straight roads. It is so tempting to let your speed creep up to 80 MPH and beyond. But you don't know where the cops are. You don't know when an animal will pop out onto the road. And you don't know when the next bend in the road will appear. Gotta stay alert!

And you know you should always be a lert. The world needs more lerts!

However, staying alert is a problem. The long roads are sometimes boring. they lure you into a sense of serenity or inactivity. But pay attention! You are hurtling down the road at 70 MPH or more! Things happen fast!

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