Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sedona to the Grand Canyon

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Annette and I drug ourselves out of bed very early again this morning. We wanted to get the sunrise on the red rocks.

We chose to go out a path behind the swimming pool at the school.

The view on the path was a great view of the coffee pot formation. It is called this because it looks like an old-fashioned coffee pot that you would see in the cowboys' camp in the old Westerns movies. Can you see the coffee pot?

After this we went back to the motel and got Mom and we went to the Coffee Pot Restaurant for lunch. they have 101 omelets!!!

From Sedona we traveled to the Grand Canyon. Aftger checking in we grabbed a bus headed for Hermits' Rest. The bus driver told us that the most popular spot for both Sunrise and Sunset is Hopi Point, but that Powell Point was also good.

So we got off of the bus at Powell Point and walked out past the monument.

Mom was funny. She did not want to go near the edge. In fact she said she got queasy when she saw other people go near the edge.

There was one photographer that was going to a place I wouldn't go to get the picture. he climbe out past the edge of the path out to the edge of the point. If you look closely in the picture, you can see him.

From Powell Point we got back on the bus. The sky had been cloudy. The light was not that great. However, when the bus pulled in to Hopi Point, the sun broke through the clouds and lit up the canyon. I jumped out of the bus and left Ammette and Mom on the bus. I had to get the shot.

It was beautiful. The sun lit up the sky and shown down on several points in the canyon.

I heard one guy tell his wife that he had just gotten the shot of the trip!!! No. It wasn't me saying that.

We headed back to our room to drop off our gear. Then we got supper in the Maswik cafeteria. It actually wasn't half bad.

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