Monday, May 31, 2010

Mom/Nana in Arizona

For this vacation in Arizona, Annette and I decided to take Mom. We wanted her to see landscapes, vegetation and other things that she had never seen before. I think we accomplished that. She said several times that she could not even imagine such geography/landscapes.

We also wanted for all of us to have some fun. I think the pictures in the this blog and the next couple will show that we were at least able to get some smiles out of Mom.

On the first Saturday that we in Arizona, we went over and visited Annette's Aunt Sandy. Annette and Sandy were like giggly school girls and I think they got Mom into the act.

I'm not quite sure where this picture was taken. We were on the road between here and there and I saw a pull-off for an overlook so I whipped the car in. I think I scared Mom.

This picture of Mom waving is at the overlook for Spider Rock at Canyon de Chelly (pronounced de shay).

I wonder if we could control Mom?!?! (See the sign) She was the first one down the path, all the way to the end. Of course, Annette and I had to get pictures along the way. Annette was the last one to the car. I hope she got great pictures.

One of the highlights of the trip was the Jeep Tour in Canyon de Chelly. Mom liked Eleanor, the tour guide. Of course, Mom never met some one she didn't like!

The great part was that most of the driving was in the middle of the river! We all got a little bit of water sprayed on us.

The cliffs were great. There were many cliff dwellings. It makes you wonder how those people lived up there.

We took the Apache Trail from Apache Junction over to Roosevelt Dam. One of the only places along the trail was Tortilla Flats, which was just a collection of a half dozen buildings with restaurants, Ice Cream shops and the like.

We found this interesting "artifact" (the seat or Mom?) in Tortilla Flats.

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